valentine's cookies. i know. valentine's day is over. but in our hearts, love always... aww crap. okay. it's over, but i forgot to show you this snapshot. i got to help make cookies at the bakery. where i work. yes, it is too work. sort of.
wow. so we made it here. portland. the land of competitive recycling and freakishly high voter registration. this will hopefully capture the flavor of our adventures as we begin a new life out west. a new life sans jobs or a home. you know, hobo style.
Test.. test... best blog ever... test... Yay! (possibly) I can comment! (maybe)...
I've heard that rage is all the rage, but I still kind of love love.
Well, not today. I'm sick of it today. But most days, love's okay in my book.
Speaking of book, I skipped an entire month on my blog, and am about to post something about why. It'll be a real thriller.
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