Wednesday, August 29, 2007

the tide is high, and so is tina

we found some shells, sand fleas and a little love, but no dead seals.
also we ate some clam chowder later that day.


Jasph said...

Ever notice how the rest of your deadbeat friends are failing to comment on your beautiful blog?

Your photos are phab, the captions captivatin'. You're still my fave, except maybe for that one blogger.

Tina said...

I am soooo high...probably because I took more than two aspirin that day. Which, you know, normally would make me very tsk-tsky.

What a good time we had, huh?

I think, your next should throw out to the world the bet about the nun. See what others think. I bet Jim'd do it for $5.

djayt said...

As Jim suggests, I forget to check and then there's all kinds of stuff that's fascinating and adorable. So in that way, this blog is like the Crown Room.