Tuesday, December 4, 2007

i'm thankful for the alcohol

we spent the tail end of the holiday weekend going to wineries in the countryside. not the france one, the oregon one. this is a rare photo of us, not taken with joren's extended ape-like arm. it was taken by our friend julie, who i sometimes refer to as "the furniture girl". she's nice, and makes really fabulous furniture. if i had a photo of her, i'd put it here. like i said she's nice, but not in the way that i don't means she's also not cute, because she is.

these are the barrels they put you in if you act like you don't know what a "bouquet" is. i, sadly, am in the barrel.
the best thing about the oregon countryside is the lack of french people, who i like, but don't understand. and the free kittens...

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