Tuesday, January 22, 2008

with sticks strapped to feet, i scootch along

niki and brent.
we've been cross country skiing a couple of times now and i have to say, it completely r-o-c-k(s) in the usa. i fall over a surprising amount, but it's quiet and you get to poo outside if your heart desires (huge bonus): except for when you think no one else is on the trail and you've got your big, white american bottom all exposed and some guy in his lederhosen comes swishing by. also, it's free and sometimes it's sunny and you get to eat ham sandwiches if you've brought any along.

this is not a photo from our skiing adventures, this is just a fertile monkey chia head.

nobody freak out.

because i already did. you ready? you sure? ok, hold on to your pants. it's been sunny here for TWO days in a row, and i'm not even joking.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


and since when is Doogie Howser gay?

mostly not sunny with a 100% chance of totally grey

i think what the weather people here mean by "mostly sunny" is "zero blue sky" and more of a "greyish, white and fog-i-fied situation". they're so mysterious, these "weather people" with their pretend degrees in "meteorology" and "making shit up".

Thursday, January 10, 2008


well, i've gotten some pressure to write more. from friends, family and well, my brain. if you didn't know, my brain is a very powerful force, but mostly for making chex mix and talking people into things. things that may or may not get you arrested once in awhile. come on. it builds character.

anyhow. i loathe the blog of "the writer". the blabbity, blabbity kind, even though in person i am, in fact, "blabbity, blabbity". so, i'll just include one of the funniest things i've seen in recent history.

and, yeah, yeah. everyone's already seen it. great. maybe you  don't remember my affinity for really old, out of date news. ps. i just found out christopher reeves is in a wheelchair!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

these are a few of my favorite things...

sure, whiskers on kittens are easy to like. certainly more than wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings. geese aren't even nocturnal. dumb.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

you will soon burn the crap out of your fingers making cookies

turns out, these bad boys are h-o-t when they come out of the oven and you have to do some fancy, ass-kicking, origami cookie folding. 

who blew an o-ring?

all signs point to me.

do you hear me? well, open your ear holes. the couch fairy came!

WAY better than the tooth fairy, in my opinion. AND you don't have to hand over any of your teeth.