Monday, October 27, 2008

I bought some gas today for $2.29 and sold my soul for a pulled pork sandwich. What did you do? Go.


Jasph said...

I worked for a living, young lady, is what I did. Then I went trick-or-treating.

I also wished that I had your phone number so I could call and see if you and Joren wanted to stop by for a drink, a snack, or some trespassing at the house across the street, where the guy got foreclosed on and he ripped out all the fixtures and appliances to sell, but left a pretty good house behind and it's on an acre and has a swimming pool and will go cheap. The bank has listed it at $240K. The foreclosed-on ex-neighbor, who'd been carrying a $685K mortgage on it, said he thought it'd go for around $200K.

Wonder if I've got any K around here...

We're debating. Stay in this money pit, buy the one across the street, or go to the woods and live deliberately. Thoughts? Comments? Boots?

Anonymous said...

hey, beth, it's me, renee d. from KC.
(how's that for an old white lady rap?)
anyhoo, i miss you.
i wrote you a hilarious yet tender comment
but somehow it didn't get posted.
so now you are stuck with this one.
sounds like your life is great.