Tuesday, July 8, 2014


I'm officially instituting "one dollar dinner" night. Seeing what I can make for 1.99 or less. People who would like this: Sarah T., Pat, Jim Howard, and my brother. Although Bob is the one who would require receipts, and would also challenge me on how much the propane cost (true). Which I already figured, and is, at best, a nickel.

On tonight's menu:

Linguini, one box
1 squash (garden grown)
1 zucchini (garden grown)
1 onion (garden grown)
2 ears of corn (Fedex-ed from Kansas)

Veggies roasted on the grill in olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic, served over pasta with a sprinkling of parmesan. Tina would call it parm. Because she's an aficionado.
Corn also roasted on the grill, served hot, on the ear.

Total: $1.32

And yes. I know. It's not exactly a dollar, but if it's less than 2, it's still sort of a dollar. So go on, and get up outta my math grill.

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